2012年1月12日 星期四



Our promises to you:
  • You are in control at all times: we ask permission before collecting and using your data.
  • You can decide to switch on and off data collection either on the device itself (with software versions from 2012 onwards) or via TomTom HOME (for older software versions).
  • Your location data is used in an anonymous way to help improve our maps and map related products. We also use it in to generate HD Traffic information.
  • We completelly erase your LIVE Services and HD Traffic journey history from our internal systems within 20 minutes of you switching off your device. We are then not able to connect any location data to your device.
  • We do not keep any record of Local Search requests, Twitter or other App use connected to your device.
  • You decide whether you want to send your Map Share changes or safety camera reports to TomTom. There is no obligation to do so.

