Version 15.300
GO 40, GO 50, GO 60, GO 400, GO 500, GO 510, GO 600, GO 610, GO 5000, GO 5100, GO 6000, GO 6100, START 40, START 50, START 60
GO 40, GO 50, GO 60, GO 400, GO 500, GO 510, GO 600, GO 610, GO 5000, GO 5100, GO 6000, GO 6100, START 40, START 50, START 60
Recent destinations and My Places in search results
You will now see your recent destinations and saved places listed in search results.
TomTom Traffic Geo Expansion (GO only)
You can now receive real-time traffic updates in Greece and Hungary. Your device must be connected to TomTom Services.
Map correction reports can be submitted over the air (GO only)
You no longer need to connect your device to a computer to submit map corrections. Reports will be submitted over the air while your device is connected to TomTom. This ensures that TomTom can use the corrections as soon as possible to improve maps and services for all users.
Other bug fixes and improvements
Various performance improvements and bug fixes have been implemented.